



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2024-05-14 0


Key points to pay attention to when laying underground tracer lines

  1.使用时注重示踪线的放线长度,用几多放几多,不可将示踪线一次性所有倒出来 。

1. When using, pay attention to the length of the tracer line, use as much as you want, and do not pour out all the tracer lines at once.

  2.地埋示踪线随管一起进入定向钻孔时,要有人看守,阻止示踪线打结、或纠葛在一起 。

When the buried tracer line enters the directional drilling hole together with the pipe, someone should be watching to prevent the tracer line from getting tangled or tangled together.

  3.较量好有一个简朴的放线架,把示踪线牢靠在放线架上,让示踪线和管材同时拖动 。

3. It is better to have a simple cable rack, fix the tracer line on the rack, and drag both the tracer line and the pipe at the same time.

  4.在拖管的历程中,示踪线不可被小树丛或其它障碍物绊挂,阻止示踪线被拉断 。

During the process of dragging the pipe, the tracking line should not be tripped by small trees or other obstacles to avoid being pulled apart.

  5.示踪线和管材顶部要捆扎牢靠,阻止管材在穿越时示踪线脱落 。若是示踪线要出地外貌,需适当多预留一定的长度 。建议出地后的示踪线预留长度为1.5米左右,以备探测使用 。


5. The tracer line and the top of the pipe should be securely tied to prevent the tracer line from falling off when the pipe passes through. If the tracer line needs to leave the ground surface, a certain length should be reserved appropriately. It is recommended to reserve a length of about 1.5 meters for the tracer line after leaving the site for detection purposes.

  6.示踪线在定向钻使用历程中,不可有讨论 。

During the use of directional drilling, the tracer line should not have any joints.

  7.在非开挖工程施工中,PE管道外面的地埋示踪线在拖管历程中容易被扯断,轻盈的步伐是选择截面积更大、强度更高的导线或钢丝绳,或者在管道的内部预穿一条示踪线即可阻止断线,其探测效果犹如在外面一样,但这样做时需处理好内部示踪线头与外面示踪线毗连的问题 。

7. In non excavation engineering construction, the buried tracer line outside the PE pipeline is prone to breakage during the dragging process. A simple method is to choose a larger cross-sectional area and higher strength wire or steel wire rope, or pre thread a tracer line inside the pipeline to avoid breakage. The detection effect is the same as outside, but when doing so, it is necessary to handle the problem of connecting the internal tracer line head to the external tracer line.

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