



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-07-14 0
随着社会通讯电力的蓬勃,地下电缆已经普遍都会墟落的每个角落,与此同时标记桩也随着电缆的普及而被通俗人所熟知 。标记桩除了起到警示作用外,尚有一个主要的功效就是在施工时能够提前预知下面有电缆管道,避免因不知情施工造成的停电,造成人力和物力损失 。
With the development of social communication and power, underground cables have spread all over every corner of urban and rural areas. At the same time, with the popularity of cables, marker posts are also known by ordinary people. In addition to its warning function, the marker pile also has an important function of being able to predict the existence of cable ducts under it in advance during construction, so as to prevent power failure caused by unknown construction and human and material losses.
标记桩一样平常都设在户外,除了要坚持字体的恒久鲜艳外还要求柱体不可被风雨侵蚀,禁止易被人为损害……这关于我们标记桩的采购职员来说可以说是一个“世纪难题” 。幸亏随着玻璃钢材质的标记桩的逐渐普及,这些世纪难题基本上已经获得了,今天我就为各人普及一下标记桩应该怎样采购,都需要注重些什么 。
Sign piles are generally set outdoors. In addition to maintaining the long-term bright color of the font, it is also required that the column should not be eroded by wind and rain and not easy to be damaged by human beings... This can be said to be a "century problem" for our buyers of sign piles. Fortunately, with the gradual popularization of FRP sign piles, these century problems have been basically solved. Today I will popularize how to purchase sign piles and what we need to pay attention to.
采购标记桩可以选择玻璃钢材质的 。为什么这么说呢,是由于玻璃钢材质是一种新型的复合型质料,具有抗撞性能强、耐攻击、耐老化、适温性能好、使用寿命长、抗侵蚀、稳固形的特点 。更与众差别的是金能电力的玻璃钢标记桩接纳的是无碱玻璃钢纤维,无碱玻璃钢纤维比有碱玻璃钢纤维材质更结实耐用,从桩体的品质就可以体现出来,本公司所玻璃钢标记桩很是结实,可以恒久驻立在户外坚持多年之久 。
The purchase of sign posts can be made of glass fiber reinforced plastic. Why do you say so? It is because FRP is a new composite material, which has the characteristics of strong impact resistance, impact resistance, aging resistance, good temperature adaptability, long service life, corrosion resistance and no deformation. What is more distinctive is that the glass fiber reinforced plastic sign pile of Jinneng power adopts alkali free glass fiber reinforced plastic. The alkali free glass fiber reinforced plastic is more durable than the alkali glass fiber reinforced plastic. It can be reflected from the quality of the pile. The glass fiber reinforced plastic sign pile of our company is very strong and can be standing outdoors for many years.
供水标识桩厂家以为除了材质,标记桩还要做到印刷字体和颜色恒久如新,再加上近几年大部分标记桩都要求有自身的LOGO,举报电话等,古板的丝网印刷或者机械镌刻虽然也能坚持字体的恒久鲜艳,可是却很难知足客户的定制化需求 。这种特殊定制要求只有具有UV印刷工艺的厂家能够实现 。
The manufacturer of water supply sign pile believes that in addition to the material, the sign pile should also make the printing font and color as new for a long time. In addition, in recent years, most sign piles require their own logo, reporting phone, etc. Although the traditional screen printing or mechanical engraving can also maintain the long-term brightness of the font, it is difficult to meet the customized needs of customers. This special customization requirement can only be achieved by manufacturers with UV printing process.
以上就是今天为各人先容的关于问题以及注重事项的所有内容,希望对各人能有所资助,想要相识更多内容可以电话联系Yp街机电子游戏或者关注我们的网站,我们的事情职员会实时与您取得联系 。
The above is all about the problems and precautions introduced to you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website , our staff will contact you in time.

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