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Warning tapes are also known as safety warning tapes_ Warning Line - Warning Zone_ Safety warning rope_ Warning tape can be divided into box type warning tapes in appearance_ Roll type warning tape, divided into polyester warning tape according to material_ PE warning tapes are divided into reflective warning tapes according to their different functions_ Fluorescent warning tape_ Detectable warning tapes, etc. Warning tape is made of PVC film as the substrate and has good insulation, flame resistance, cold resistance, voltage resistance, acid and alkali resistance, solvent resistance, and other characteristics. It has excellent wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and oil resistance, and is used for marking ground warning areas. The colors include red, yellow, blue, green, white, black, yellow and black, green and white, and red and white for reference, adapting to different needs
Warning tapes can also be divided into disposable warning tapes and reusable warning tapes. Warning tapes made of polyester fabric effectively overcome the limitations of a short usage cycle, a simple packaging method that is not easy to break and clean, and concentrate on the advantages of boxed warning tapes. At the same time, the limitations of boxed warning tapes are improved. The simple packaging method also makes the length of the warning tape easier to extend, the connection easier and more convenient, and the area of use can be infinitely expanded.
Safety warning tape: 20 meters, 30 meters, 40 meters, 50 meters. Nylon safety warning tapes can be customized as needed.
1. Conventional 5cm safety warning tape: 20 meter safety warning tape, 30 meter safety warning tape, 40 meter safety warning tape, and 50 meter safety warning tape.
2. Reusable safety warning tapes: 20 meter fluorescent safety warning tapes, 30 meter fluorescent safety warning tapes, 40 meter fluorescent safety warning tapes, and 50 meter fluorescent safety warning tapes.
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3. Reflective safety warning tape: 20 meter reflective safety warning tape, 30 meter reflective safety warning tape, 40 meter reflective safety warning tape, and 50 meter reflective safety warning tape.
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