



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-10-07 0
怎样准确设置电缆警示桩?这个问题关于电缆警示桩的使用照旧很要害的,下面小编就来为您解说一番 。
How to correctly set cable warning posts? This problem is still critical to the use of cable warning posts. The following sections will explain it to you.
1.电缆警示桩应设在与有关的醒目位置,便于进入现场的职员望见,并有足够的时间来注重它所体现的内容 。情形信息标记宜设在有关场合的入口处和醒目处;局部信息标记应设在所涉及的响应危险所在或装备(部件)周围的醒目处 。
1. The cable warning pile shall be set at an eye-catching position related to safety so that the personnel entering the site can see it easily and have enough time to pay attention to its contents. Environmental information signs should be set at the entrances and eye-catching places of relevant places; Local information signs shall be set at the corresponding hazardous locations involved or eye-catching places near the equipment (components).
2.电缆警示桩不应设在门、窗、架等可移动的物体上,以免这些物体位置移动后,看不见电缆警示桩 。电缆警示桩前不应安排故障认读的障碍物 。
2. The cable warning pile shall not be set on movable objects such as doors, windows and frames, so as to avoid that the cable warning pile cannot be seen after these objects move. No obstacles shall be placed in front of the cable warning post to prevent reading.
3.多个电缆警示桩一起设置时,应按榨取、指令、提醒类型的顺序先左后右、先上后下排列 。
3. When multiple cable warning posts are set together, they shall be arranged from left to right and from top to bottom in the order of prohibition, command and prompt types.
4.电缆警示桩的牢靠方法分为附着式、悬挂式和柱式三类 。悬挂式和附着式的牢靠应稳固不倾斜,柱式的标记牌和支架应牢靠地毗连在一起 。暂时悬拄的标记牌应接纳防落步伐,室外悬挂的暂时标记牌应避免被风吹翻,并宜做成双面的标记牌 。
4. The fixing methods of cable warning piles are divided into three types: attached type, suspended type and column type. The suspension type and attached type shall be fixed firmly without inclination, and the column type signboard and bracket shall be firmly connected together. The signboard of temporary hanging pole shall be protected from falling off, and the temporary signboard hung outdoors shall be protected from wind overturning, and shall be made into double-sided signboards.
5.电缆警示桩应设置在明亮的情形中,设置高度应只管与人眼的视线高度相一致;悬挂式和柱式的情形信息标记牌的下缘距地面的高度不宜小于2m;局部信息标记的设置高度应视详细情形决议 。标记牌的平面与视线夹角应靠近90°,视察者位于大视察距离时,小夹角不低于75° 。
5. The cable warning pile shall be set in a bright environment, and the setting height shall be consistent with the sight height of the human eye as far as possible; The height from the lower edge of the hanging and column type environmental information signs to the ground should not be less than 2m; The setting height of local information signs shall be determined according to the specific situation. The included angle between the plane of the sign and the line of sight shall be close to 90 °. When the observer is at a large observation distance, the small included angle shall not be less than 75 °.
6.生产场合修建物入口醒目位置,应凭证内部装备、介质的要求装设响应的电缆警示桩 。
6. Corresponding cable warning posts shall be installed at eye-catching locations at the entrance of buildings in the production site according to the safety requirements of internal equipment and media.
7.生产场合主要通道入口醒目位置,应装设“必需戴帽”指令标记牌 。
7. The instruction signboard "Safety helmet must be worn" shall be installed at the striking position of the main passage entrance of the production site.
How to correctly set cable warning posts? We will answer this question from seven aspects, and more related matters will come to our website Consult!

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