



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-09-06 0
警示带铺设施工利便,施工与埋管同时举行,起到警示标记作用,以免以后开挖施工时管线受无谓损伤,下面小编来讲讲电缆警示带的敷设12大标准吧 。
The laying of warning tape is convenient. Construction and pipe burying are carried out at the same time, which serves as a warning sign to avoid unnecessary damage to pipelines during excavation in the future. Let's talk about the 12 major standards for laying cable warning tape in the following section.
(1)踪迹电缆警示带敷设在管顶上方300-500mm处(以包管施工挖出踪迹带时,危险不到管线),但不得敷设于路基或路面里 。
(1) The trace cable warning tape shall be laid 300-500mm above the pipe top (to ensure that the pipeline will not be damaged when the trace tape is dug out during construction), but shall not be laid in the subgrade or road surface.
(2)直径不大于400mm的管道,可在上方敷设一条踪迹电缆警示带;大于400mm的管道,应在管道正上方平行敷设两条水平净距100-200mm的踪迹电缆警示带 。
(2) For pipes with a diameter of no more than 400mm, a trace cable warning tape can be laid above; For pipelines larger than 400mm, two tracking cable warning tapes with a horizontal clear distance of 100-200mm shall be laid in parallel directly above the pipeline.
(3) During the laying process, the connection of the two trace cable warning tapes shall be overlapped by about 1m. At the overlapped part, the PE film on the side of the aluminum foil shall be peeled off to expose the aluminum foil, so that the aluminum foils of the two trace tapes can be fully contacted. The overlapped part shall be wrapped tightly with plastic tape to ensure that it is firmly bonded and can be conducted after power on
(4)在PE管管端,若踪迹带没有引出地面,则应将踪迹带剥开50厘米长,让铝箔与大地充分接触,铝箔与大地形成回路,镌汰接触电阻,可以提高探测质量 。
(4) At the end of the PE pipe, if the tracking belt is not led out of the ground, the tracking Belt should be stripped 50 cm long to allow the aluminum foil to fully contact the ground. The aluminum foil forms a loop with the ground, reducing the contact resistance and improving the detection quality.
(5)敷设历程中可设置信号源井,将踪迹带引出,留在井内1米,便于探测时用 。
(5) During the laying process, a signal source well can be set to lead out the trace belt and leave it in the well for 1m for easy detection.
(6)踪迹带整体滚花成型并成卷安排、运输,踪迹带开卷后会不平展 。施工时,把踪迹带翻开4-5米,两小我私人用手捉住两头用力拉平,松手后踪迹带便会平展 。然后再举行敷设 。
(6) The tracking belt is knurled as a whole and placed and transported in rolls. After uncoiling, the tracking belt will be uneven. During construction, open the track belt for 4-5 meters. Two people hold both ends with their hands and pull them flat. When they release their hands, the track belt will flatten. Then lay it.
(7)局部超挖部分应回填夯实 。当沟底无地下水时,超挖在0.15m以内,可接纳原土回填;超挖在0.15,以上,可接纳石灰土处理 。当沟底有地下水或水量较大时,应接纳级配砂石或自然砂回填标高 。超挖部分回填后压实,其密实度应靠近原地基自然土的密实度 。
(7) Local over excavated parts shall be backfilled and compacted. When there is no groundwater at the bottom of the trench, the original soil can be used for backfilling if the over excavation is within 0.15m; If the overbreak is more than 0.15, lime soil can be used for treatment. When there is groundwater at the bottom of the trench or the water volume is large, graded sand or natural sand shall be used for backfilling to the elevation. The over excavated part shall be compacted after backfilling, and its compactness shall be close to that of the natural soil of the original foundation.
(8)在湿陷性黄土地区,不宜在雨期施工,或在施工时切实扫除沟内积水,开挖时应在沟底预留值0.03~0.06m厚的土层举行压实处理 。
(8) In the collapsible loess area, it is not suitable to construct in rainy season, or drain the ponding in the ditch during construction. During excavation, a 0.03 ~ 0.06m thick soil layer shall be reserved at the bottom of the ditch for compaction.
(9)沟底遇有放弃修建物、硬石、木头、垃圾等杂物时须,并应铺一层厚度不小于0.15m砂土或素土,整平压实及设计标高 。
(9) In case of waste structures, hard stones, wood, garbage and other sundries at the bottom of the trench, they shall be removed, and a layer of sand or plain soil with a thickness of no less than 0.15m shall be paved, leveled and compacted and the design elevation shall be achieved.
(10)不得接纳冻土、垃圾、木料及软性物质回填 。管道两侧及管顶以上0.5m内的回填土,不得含有碎石、砖块等杂物,且不得接纳灰土回填 。距管顶0.5m以上的回填土中的石块不得多于10%、直径不得大于0.1m,且匀称漫衍 。
(10) Frozen soil, garbage, wood and soft materials shall not be used for backfilling. The backfill on both sides of the pipeline and within 0.5m above the pipe top shall not contain debris such as crushed stones and bricks, and shall not be backfilled with lime soil. The stones in the backfill soil above 0.5m from the pipe top shall not be more than 10%, and the diameter shall not be more than 0.1M, and shall be evenly distributed.
(11)回填土应分层压实,每层虚铺厚度宜为0.2~0.3m,管道两侧及管顶以上0.5m内的回填土须接纳人工压实,管顶0.5m以上的回填土可接纳小型机械压实,每层虚铺厚度宜为0.25~0.4m 。
(11) The backfill soil shall be compacted in layers, and the virtual paving thickness of each layer should be 0.2 ~ 0.3m. The backfill soil on both sides of the pipe and within 0.5m above the pipe top should be compacted manually. The backfill soil above 0.5m above the pipe top can be compacted by small machinery, and the virtual paving thickness of each layer should be 0.25 ~ 0.4m.
(12)埋设燃气管道的沿线应一连铺设警示带 。警示带铺设前应将铺设面压实,并平整的铺设在管道的正上方,距管定的距离宜为0.3~0.5m,但不得铺设于路基和路面内 。
(12) Warning tapes shall be laid continuously along the buried gas pipelines. Before laying the warning tape, the laying surface shall be compacted and laid flat directly above the pipe. The distance from the pipe should be 0.3 ~ 0.5m, but it shall not be laid in the subgrade and road surface.
There are 12 standards for laying cable warning tapes below. It is recommended that you look more before construction to avoid major accidents and huge property and economic losses caused by accidental damage. For more information, please visit our website Get it!

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