



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-07-20 0
电力标记桩主要起到警示作用。 电力标记桩装置好后,可以避免其他施工队在施工历程中损坏地下电缆管道。 由于施工方若是看到玻璃钢标记桩,就知道有电缆管埋在地下,施工时会避而远之。 若是施工方明知地下有电缆槽,仍强行施工,破损电力标记桩,将肩负执法责任。
The power sign pile mainly serves as a warning. After the power sign pile is installed, it can prevent other construction teams from damaging the underground cable duct during the construction process. Because if the construction party sees the FRP marker pile, it knows that there is a cable pipe buried underground, and it will avoid it during construction. If the construction party, knowing that there is a cable trough underground, still forcibly constructs and destroys the power sign pile, it will bear legal responsibility.
电力标记桩装置完成后,有利于公司员工的一样平常巡检事情。 通过电力标记桩,可以清晰地看到埋地管道的走向。
After the installation of the power sign pile, it is conducive to the daily inspection work of the company's employees. The direction of the buried pipeline can be clearly seen through the power sign pile.
The pile body is generally marked with the company name, company logo, report number, etc. If citizens find that the buried pipeline is damaged, they can immediately call the company of the buried pipeline to avoid dangerous accidents.
电缆标记桩一样平常由玻璃钢、水泥和塑钢制成。 其他特殊要求有花岗岩和PE等质料。
Cable marker posts are generally made of FRP, cement and plastic steel. Other special requirements include granite, PE and other materials.
The power sign pile is composed of two parts, one is the pile body, and the other is the warning slogan
电力标记桩一样平常接纳玻璃钢材质,也有水泥材质和PVC材质的。 桩体由主体、顶盖和底座组成。
Power sign posts are generally made of glass fiber reinforced plastics, cement and PVC. The pile body is composed of main body, top cover and base.
The shapes of cable marker piles generally include square, triangle and irregular shapes, which can be customized according to customer requirements.
电缆标记桩体一样平常为白色或黄色,字体一样平常为红色或玄色。 其他可凭证要求定制。
The pile body of cable signs is generally white or yellow, and the font is generally red or black. Others can be customized according to requirements.
为什么要设置电缆标记桩? 以上是缘故原由和常见问题。 您可以会见我们的网站相识更多相关产品信息,也可以购置。
Why set cable marker posts? These are the reasons and common problems. You can visit our website You can also buy more information about related products.

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