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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-07-19 0
示踪线适用于燃气、自来水、排水、污水等地下非金属管道的快速检测和定位 ,那么您知道示踪线广受接待的特点以及测试历程是怎样的吗?
The tracer line is suitable for the rapid detection and positioning of underground non-metallic pipelines such as gas, tap water, drainage and sewage. Do you know the popular characteristics of the tracer line and the test process?
The popular characteristics of tracer line
示踪线具有防水性好、示踪速率快、防腐性强、拉力大等特点 ,被业界所看好 ,它是团结现有电线、电缆等地下非金属管道无法检测的产品的优弱点 ,继续和刷新的新一代手艺产品。
The tracer line has the characteristics of good waterproof, fast tracing speed, strong corrosion resistance, large tension and so on, and is favored by the industry. It is a new generation of technical products inherited and improved by combining the advantages and disadvantages of products that cannot be detected by existing wires, cables and other underground non-metallic pipelines.
与非金属管道一起铺设 ,使用检测装备举行点对点交流与示踪电缆的金属芯点信号 ,从而检测其在地下的准确位置 ,并能同时丈量和确定非金属管道的埋深、偏向和位置、管径的巨细。
It is laid together with the non-metallic pipeline, and the detection equipment is used to exchange point-to-point signals and trace the metal core of the cable, so as to detect its accurate position underground, and simultaneously measure and determine the buried depth, direction, position and diameter of the non-metallic pipeline.
示踪线产品的问世和一直研发 ,团结和地方政府各部分的相关要求 ,信托对以后我国地下管网建设将起到很好的推行动用。
The advent and continuous research and development of tracer line products, combined with the relevant requirements of national and local government departments, are believed to play a good role in promoting the construction of underground pipe networks in China in the future.
The popular testing process of tracer line
为包管示踪线的导电性、强度、耐侵蚀性和耐用性 ,一样平常建议选用截面积大于2.5mm的多股铜线 ,并只管将示踪线坚持在铺设时管的顶部。导线讨论的绝缘层应在分支处剥去 ,将铜芯绞在一起几圈 ,然后在讨论处用绝缘胶带包裹 ,以坚持优异的导电性。
In order to ensure the conductivity, strength, corrosion resistance and durability of the tracer wire, it is generally recommended to select multi strand copper wire with a cross-sectional area greater than 2.5mm, and try to keep the tracer wire on the top of the pipe when laying. The insulation layer of the conductor joint shall be stripped at the branch, the copper core shall be twisted together for several circles, and then the joint shall be wrapped with insulating tape to maintain good conductivity.
管道示踪线的线头被土壤或碎屑笼罩。为了降低探线不可出地的最后的接地电阻 ,需要接纳优异的接境地伐 ,剥去裸芯线的绝缘层30cm。强度较大的导体可以阻止在施工历程中被拉断 ,导致无法检测定位。
The end of the pipe trace line is covered with soil or debris. In order to reduce the grounding resistance of the end where the probe wire cannot go out of the ground, it is necessary to take good grounding measures and strip 30cm of the insulation layer of the bare core wire. The conductor with high strength can avoid being broken during construction, which makes it impossible to detect and locate.
当导体直径远小于埋深且忽略地面介质和空气的介质转变时 ,示踪线可视为均质介质中的无限长线。
When the conductor diameter is much smaller than the buried depth and the medium changes of ground medium and air are ignored, the tracer line can be regarded as an infinite line in homogeneous medium.
示踪线广受接待的特点以及测试历程相关内容解说如上 ,您可以作为参考使用 ,虽然有需求的话接待来关注我们网站选购相关类型的示踪线。
The popular characteristics of the tracer line and the relevant contents of the test process are explained above. You can use it as a reference. Of course, if you need it, you are welcome to pay attention to our website Choose relevant types of tracer wires.

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