



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-07-05 0
许多人在购置标识桩的时间都很担心,由于它的海内市场重大多变,以是在购置产品的时间一定要注重它的质量和 。在市场上,差别厂家生产的产品差别很大 。影响标识桩的因素有哪些?
Many people are worried when buying the sign pile. Because its domestic market is complex and changeable, we must pay attention to its quality and price when buying products. In the market, the prices of products produced by different manufacturers vary greatly. What are the factors that affect the price of marker posts?
影响标识桩的因素有许多 。差别规格的差别 。凭证产品的形状和巨细,可分为特大纪念宣传型、大、中、小 。二、型号厚度差别,差别 。通例规格生产宽度和深度为5*15,高度为80厘米、1米、1米2、1米5等,其他规格可定制 。
There are many factors that affect the price of marker posts. Different specifications have different prices. According to the shape and size of the product, it can be divided into extra large commemorative publicity type, large, medium and small. 2、 Different models, different thicknesses, different prices. The production width and depth of conventional specifications are 5*15, and the height is 80cm, 1M, 1m 2, 1m 5, etc. other specifications can be customized.
三是差别材质差别 。凭证修建质料的差别,标记桩可分为水泥钢筋混凝土,有无底座,甚有的直接用花岗岩制成的石形标记桩 。别的,尚有玻璃钢和塑钢制品 。
Third, different materials have different prices. According to different building materials, sign piles can be divided into cement reinforced concrete, whether there is a base or not, and even stone sign piles made of granite directly. In addition, there are FRP and plastic steel products.
四是差别功效的产品相同 。由于地形条件差别,为包管产品起到指示防护的作用,铺设方法也差别 。数目相同、用途差别的实例也会影响 。
Fourth, the price of products with different functions is the same. Due to different terrain conditions, the laying methods are also different to ensure that the products play the role of indicating safety protection. The same number of instances with different uses will also affect the price.
五是印字数、颜色差别,差别 。两种或多种颜色的绒头比一种颜色的绒头贵 。通俗电缆严禁开挖 。比那些有多个公司标记L0GO的人要注重也差别 。
Fifth, the number and color of printed words are different, and the price is different. Pile of two or more colors is more expensive than pile of one color. Excavation of ordinary cables is strictly prohibited. It is also different to pay attention to safety than those who have multiple company logo l0go.
六是因加工工艺而异 。通俗喷涂,简朴丝网印刷,相对低廉,而凹雕工艺或电脑激光镌刻工艺相对腾贵 。
Sixth, the price varies with the processing technology. Ordinary spraying, simple screen printing, the price is relatively low, while the concave carving process or computer laser carving process is relatively expensive.
除了以上几点,尚有一个因素就是差别供水标识桩厂家差别 。选择质量可靠的厂家,注重产品质量,再凭证选择性价比高的股权 。厂家质量好的产品比劣质产品高 。腾贵的 。
In addition to the above points, another factor is that the prices of different water supply marker pile manufacturers are different. Choose manufacturers with reliable quality, pay attention to product quality, and then choose equity with high cost performance according to the price. The price of good quality products is higher than that of poor quality products. costly.
以上是问题谜底的相关内容 。我希望它可以资助你 。若是您对此问题有任何疑问,接待您关注我们的网站并咨询我们的事情职员 。我们很愿意为您提供资助效劳 。
The above is the relevant content of the answer to the question. I hope it can help you. If you have any questions about this issue, you are welcome to follow our website And consult our staff. We are happy to help you.

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