



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-06-22 0
Specification index of safety warning tape
1、警示带材质:该警示带(警戒线/警戒带)接纳锦纶织带加工而成 。
1. Material of safety warning belt: the warning belt (warning line / warning belt) is made of high-grade nylon webbing.
2、警示带颜色:警示带字体颜色一样平常为白色 。该警示带(警戒线/警戒带)有红色警示带、黄色警示带、国网绿警示带三种,其它颜色可订做 。
2. Color of safety warning tape: the font color of warning tape is generally white. The warning tape (warning line / warning tape) includes red warning tape, yellow warning tape and State Grid green warning tape, and other colors can be customized.
3、带宽:警示带(警戒线/警戒带)带宽划分为5公分、6公分、8公分三种规格 。
3. Bandwidth: the bandwidth of warning belt (warning line / warning belt) is 5cm, 6cm and 8cm respectively.
4、长度:警示带(警戒线/警戒带)凭证长度可分为20m/盒、30m/盒、40m/盒、50m/盒 。警示带长度不等,可凭证要求定做差别长度的警示带 。
4. Length: warning tape (warning line / warning tape) can be divided into 20m/ box, 30m/ box, 40m/ box and 50m/ box according to the length. Warning tapes are of different lengths, and can be customized according to requirements.
5、内容:一样平常警示带内容为“闪电符号 止步 高压危险”,“危险”等,也可凭证用户要求定制警示带的文字内容 。
5. Content: the general safety warning tape includes "lightning symbol stop high voltage danger", "danger", etc. the text content of the warning tape can also be customized according to user requirements.
Classification of safety warning tapes
警示带的分类:一次性警示带和重复使用警示带、反光警示带、荧光警示带、可探测警示带 。
Classification of warning tape: disposable warning tape, reusable warning tape, reflective warning tape, fluorescent warning tape and detectable warning tape.
Material of warning tape: PE warning tape and polyester cloth (compared with disposable warning tape, the advantages of disposable warning tape: it effectively overcomes the limitations of short service life of disposable warning tape, the simple packaging method that is not easy to break and easy to clean, centralizes the advantages of boxed warning tape, and improves the limitations of boxed warning tape at the same time)
Purpose of safety warning tape
管道警示带,普遍地应用于种种直埋式燃气管道、输油管道、都会给排水等气、液管道运送系统、电力电缆、通讯光缆等关于国计民生的第五类运输系统及信息传输系统的警示防护,特殊对种种情形重大的都会管网施工现场、蹊径施工现场、交通被实验的绝缘胶垫置放骑上,实验电压施加在绝缘胶垫上部的金属极板上 。
Pipeline warning tapes are widely used for warning and protection of the fifth class transportation system and information transmission system related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, such as various directly buried gas pipelines, oil pipelines, urban water supply and drainage and other gas and liquid pipeline transmission systems, power cables, communication optical cables, etc., especially for the placement of insulation rubber pads tested in various complex urban pipe network construction sites, road construction sites and traffic, The test voltage is applied to the metal plate on the upper part of the insulating rubber pad.
实验电压从较低值最先上升,并以1000V/s的速率逐渐升压,直抵达划定的实验电压或绝缘胶垫爆发击穿 。实验时间从抵达划定的实验电压时刻最先盘算 。电业一连时间为1min 。如实验无电晕爆发、无闪络、无击穿、无显着发热,则实验通过 。分段实验时,段间的实验边沿应重叠 。
The test voltage rises from the lower value and gradually increases at the speed of 1000v/s until the specified test voltage is reached or the insulation rubber pad is broken down. The test time is calculated from the moment when the specified test voltage is reached. The duration of power industry is 1min. If there is no corona, flashover, breakdown or obvious heating in the experiment, the experiment passes. During the segmented test, the test edges between segments shall overlap.

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