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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2023-01-12 0
关于标记桩产品是不是十分的常见呢?关于电缆标记桩您是不是有一定的相识呢?我们作为专门的标记桩厂家 ,下面我们来向您先容这种产品 ,让您对其有更好的相识。
Is it very common for sign pile products? Do you have some knowledge about cable marker posts? As a special marker pile manufacturer, let's introduce this product to you so that you can have a better understanding of it.
电缆标记桩强度高 ,接纳新型不饱和树脂质料 ,经高温压制而成。
The cable marker pile has high strength and is made of new unsaturated resin material and pressed at high temperature.
电缆标记桩抗攻击性能强 ,耐磨损、耐高温、耐侵蚀性能强 ,使用寿命长达30年。
The cable marker pile has strong impact resistance, wear resistance, high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance, and its service life is up to 30 years.
电缆标记桩外表雅观 ,可以凭证客户的需要制成种种颜色 ,确保字体图案清晰 ,警示性显着可以美化都会情形。
The appearance of the cable marker post is beautiful, and it can be made into various colors according to the needs of customers to ensure that the font and pattern are clear, and the obvious warning can beautify the urban environment.
电缆标记桩重量轻盈 ,在装置与运输时 ,可以有用的节约工时 ,大大的镌汰劳动力减轻劳动强度。
The weight of cable marker pile is light, which can effectively save labor hours and greatly reduce labor intensity during installation and transportation.
由于电缆标记选材的特殊性 ,因此上有其优异的防偷窃性 ,由于该合成质料无接纳价值 ,因此具有防偷窃功效。
Due to the particularity of the material selection of the cable sign, it has good anti-theft performance. Because the composite material has no recycling value, it has anti-theft function.
电缆标记桩一样平常分为:方形、圆形、三角形三种 ,长度可以在1m ,1.5m ,虽然也可以凭证客户的要求定制。
Cable marker piles are generally divided into three types: square, round and triangular, with the length of 1m and 1.5m. Of course, they can also be customized according to customer requirements.
一样平常来说电缆标记桩被应用于燃气、石油、交通、供水处的地面标记。若是您关于电缆标记桩有需要 ,您可以来我们这里选购 ,我们期待您的惠临。
Generally speaking, cable marker piles are used for ground markers in gas, oil, transportation and water supply areas. If you need cable marker posts, you can come here We look forward to your visit.

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