



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2023-01-03 0
许多做地面交通工程设施的用户都应该知道警示带是专门用来粘地板用的 。若是宽大用户在使用地板警示胶带时间,发明警示胶自动脱落,那么缘故原由可能有如下几种,地埋式警示带厂家为您作出剖析来 。
Many users of ground traffic engineering facilities should know that the warning tape is specially used to stick the floor. If the majority of users find that the warning tape falls off automatically when using the floor warning tape, the reasons may be as follows. The manufacturer of buried warning tape will analyze for you.
1、可能由于该警示胶带有质量问题,请检查该警示胶带带胶一面是否泛起无胶水或者脱胶征象,若是泛起这种情形,则是产品泛起质量,这时间,请联系供应商,替换产品 。由于产品带胶一面泛起无胶水,则产品的粘性不强 。若是泛起脱胶征象,则产品在生产工艺上,没抵达要求,因而泛起质量,无法包管粘性问题 。详细缘故原由,各人可点击怎么知道警示带质量的优劣举行详细相识 。
1. The warning tape may have a quality problem. Please check whether there is no glue or degumming on the adhesive side of the warning tape. If this happens, the product is of quality. At this time, please contact the supplier to replace the product. Because there is no glue on the adhesive side of the product, the viscosity of the product is not strong. If degumming occurs, the production process of the product does not meet the requirements, so the quality cannot be guaranteed. For specific reasons, you can click how to know the quality of the warning tape.
2、在扫除质量问题的情形下,各人可关注警示胶带的被贴的物体外貌是否保存高低不平的地方,或者是否保存坑坑洼洼的情形,若是有,那么应该另选平面并且平滑的地带 。不然警示胶带降无法正常运用 。
2. When the quality problem is eliminated, you can pay attention to whether the surface of the object to be pasted with the warning tape is uneven or pitted. If so, another flat and smooth zone should be selected. Otherwise, the warning tape can not be used normally.
3、视察地面上是否较量清洁,是否保存粉尘或者水的情形,若是有这种情形的话,请将要粘的地面举行卫生处理清洁 。由于这些因素会影响到警示胶带的粘性 。那么若是您对警示的使用要领未能有个熟悉的运用,那么,也可以点击警示胶带怎么使用举行相识 。
3. Observe whether the ground is clean and whether there is dust or water. If so, please clean the ground to be glued. Because these factors will affect the viscosity of the warning tape. If you are not familiar with how to use the warning tape, you can also click on how to use the warning tape.
警示胶自动脱落的缘故原由就犹如以上所讲这样,希望各人对使用警示胶带应该注重哪些事项有个较量清晰的相识 。更多相关事项就来我们网站举行咨询相识吧!
The reason why the warning tape falls off automatically is as mentioned above. I hope you can have a clear understanding of what should be paid attention to when using the warning tape. Come to our website for more information Consult and understand!

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