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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-09-07 0
标记桩在操作方面需要注重什么?这个问题值得来相识 ,事实只有充分对其熟悉 ,才华阻止许多问题的爆发涯在 ,下面就让燃气标记桩生产厂家为您解说一番吧 。
What should be paid attention to in the operation of marker piles? This problem is worth understanding. After all, only by fully understanding it can we avoid the occurrence of many problems. Let the gas marker pile manufacturer explain it for you.
1.丈量放线的基准点一定要 ,其中放线基准点是指设计控制桩和水准基桩 。
1. The datum point for surveying and setting out must be, in which the datum point for setting out refers to the design control pile and benchmark pile.
2.一定要凭证图纸的作业要求设置控制桩 ,一定要批注桩号、里程、地面标高、转角高度等数据 。
2. The control piles must be set according to the operation requirements of the drawings, and the pile number, mileage, ground elevation, corner height and other data must be indicated.
3.在定测资料清静面或是断面图纸上批注地下的障碍物 ,其次是 ,要包管线路和地下修建物交织两侧的控制规模为3米 ,同时 ,须要设置忠言牌和标记桩 。标记桩上须要写上相关的数据 。好比:埋深 ,交织尺寸等 。
3. Indicate the underground obstacles on the location survey data and plan or section drawings. Secondly, ensure that the control range on both sides of the intersection of the line and underground structures is 3M. At the same time, set warning boards and sign piles. Relevant data shall be written on the sign pile. For example: buried depth, cross size, etc.
4.关于划线方面 ,要凭证轴线和标记桩的界线之间拉一根绳子 ,撒上白石灰划线 。完成划线 ,要整理现场的障碍物 。
4. As for the marking, a rope shall be pulled between the axis and the boundary of the marker pile, and white lime shall be sprinkled for marking. After the marking, clear the obstacles on the site.
5.关于移桩方面 ,是在划线完成之后扫除整理之前 ,将所有需要的线管桩平移到土堆的旁边 ,规模控制住 。
5. As for the pile moving, after the marking is completed and before cleaning, all the required pipe piles shall be moved to the side of the soil pile, and the range shall be controlled.
Preparation is important:
1、详细审查研究放线区域的完整的施事情业图纸 。
1. Check the complete construction drawings of the study setting out area in detail.
2、提前准备交桩纪录需要的表格及相识接桩组成职员便于相同 。
2. Prepare the forms required for pile delivery records in advance and understand the pile extension personnel for communication.
3、准备切合要求的丈量仪器、木桩、标笔、白石灰以及其他工具 。
3. Prepare measuring instruments, stakes, markers, lime and other tools that meet the requirements.
4、将需要丈量放线使用的工具举行矫正 ,还需要包管这些工具须在划定的有用期规模之内 。
4. Correct the tools to be used for surveying and setting out, and ensure that these tools are within the specified period of validity.
标记桩在操作方面需要注重什么?以上从几个方面来解说了问题 ,希望能够给您好的资助 ,更多注重事项可以来我们网站举行咨询并提问 。
What should be paid attention to in the operation of marker piles? The above explained the problem from several aspects. I hope I can help you. For more precautions, please come to our website Consult and ask questions.

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