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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-08-11 0
标记桩是经由一次模压成型。其具有比重轻、抗侵蚀、耐老化、密封性能好 ,雅观 ,具有全天候防护功效 ,能够知足室外工程项目中种种卑劣情形和场合的需要 ,战胜了室外金属装备箱体的易锈蚀、寿命短和隔热保温性能差等缺陷。那么标记桩准备工序的或许历程是怎样的?
The sign pile is molded by one-time molding. It has light specific gravity, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, good sealing performance, safety and beauty, and has all-weather protection function. It can meet the needs of various harsh environments and places in outdoor engineering projects, and overcome the defects of outdoor metal equipment boxes such as easy corrosion, short service life and poor thermal insulation performance. What is the general process of the preparation process of the marker pile?
Commissioning of production equipment, cleaning of abrasive tools, winding of polyester film);
Marking pile lining process (lining resin preparation, reinforced chrysanthemum injection material preparation, lining layer fabrication, preliminary self inspection of marking pile, and entering the far-infrared deep curing process of lining);
Far infrared deep curing of marker pile;
Process quality inspection of marker pile;
Marking pile winding process;
Infrared curing, trimming and demoulding of sign pile;
Hydrostatic test and placement of marker piles;
After the pile body reaches the specified drying degree and the foam basin, the surface shall be trimmed and cleaned to keep the surface of the pile body clean and tidy --- sent to the graphic printing workshop;
Design, printing and coloring procedures for the appearance fonts of sign posts;
Marking pile outer packaging procedure.
Product characteristics of buried marker pile:
1. 地埋标记桩强度高 ,产品接纳新型不饱和树脂质料 ,经高温压制而成。
1. The buried marker pile has high strength. The product is made of new unsaturated resin material and pressed at high temperature.
2. 地埋标记桩抗攻击.耐磨损. 耐高温. 耐侵蚀 ,故使用寿命长达30年。
2. Impact resistance and wear resistance of buried marker pile High temperature resistance Corrosion resistant, so the service life is up to 30 years.
3. 地埋标记桩外表雅观 ,产品可制成种种颜色 ,字体图案清晰 ,警示性显着并可以美化都会情形。
3. The buried sign pile has a beautiful appearance. The product can be made into various colors, with clear font pattern and obvious warning, and can beautify the urban environment.
4. 地埋标记桩重量轻 ,便于运输装置 ,可大大镌汰劳动力并减轻劳动强度。
4. The buried marker pile is light in weight, convenient for transportation and installation, and can greatly reduce labor force and labor intensity.
5. 地埋标记桩防偷窃 ,该合成质料无接纳价值 ,自然防盗。
5. The buried marker post is anti-theft, and the synthetic material has no recycling value, so it is naturally anti-theft.
地埋标记桩的准备工序历程的相关内容解说完毕 ,虽然若是您对此有什么疑问 ,接待来我们网站咨询相识 ,给您更好的资助。
The relevant contents of the preparation process of buried marker piles have been explained. Of course, if you have any questions about this, please come to our website Consult and understand to give you better help.

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