



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-07-20 0
Warning tape has become an indispensable product in packaging. Now most people aim to indirectly promote their logo brand, etc., so we need to use a variety of tapes when packaging some products, which play an important role in our product packaging. But now there are so many kinds of printing tapes on the market, how should we buy warning tape?
警示语胶带的品质优劣不但影响产品外包装质量,还关乎到打包能否顺畅举行 。警示带作为与打包机配套使用的包装耗材,随着打包机性能的一直提升及普遍的市场应用,其使用量也是大幅上涨 。我们选购警示带的时间需要选购低温警示带,同时在生涯的时间也要注重生涯的温度,不可让生涯温度较低 。
The quality of warning tape not only affects the quality of product packaging, but also relates to the smooth packaging. As a packaging consumable used together with the baling machine, the use of warning tape has also increased significantly with the continuous improvement of the performance of the baling machine and its wide market application. We need to buy low-temperature warning tapes when we buy warning tapes. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the storage temperature when we save them. We cannot keep them low.
冬季的天气是较量干燥的,以是在生涯的时间只要包管室内的透风就可以,同时在使用警示带的时间我们若是发明粘合水平不是很好的话也可以用手按压一下,用来包管印刷胶带的使用粘合水平 。
The weather in winter is relatively dry, so it's OK to ensure indoor ventilation when storing. At the same time, if we find that the bonding degree is not very good when using the warning tape, we can also press it with our hands to ensure the bonding degree of the printing tape.
阻止劣质产品的泛起,贴标机压轮压力不敷也会导致胶带的使用泛起此问题,这主要是在生产历程中泛起的问题,以是在压制胶带的历程中要掌握合适的压轮力度,选择合适的胶水质料 。
To avoid the occurrence of inferior products, the insufficient pressure of the pressure wheel of the labeling machine will also lead to this problem in the use of the adhesive tape, which is mainly a problem in the production process. Therefore, in the process of pressing the adhesive tape, it is necessary to grasp the appropriate pressure of the pressure wheel and select the appropriate glue material.
若是我们使用的是性能好的警示带,那么在这个时间我们也要注重生产厂家,电缆警示带生产厂家也是决议警示带使用寿命的一个主要因素,以是在大批量购置警示带之前我们无妨到周边或者行业内探询一下厂家的口碑和信誉 。
If we use warning tapes with good performance, we should also pay attention to the manufacturers of printing tapes at this time. The manufacturers of cable warning tapes are also an important factor in determining the service life of warning tapes. Therefore, before buying warning tapes in large quantities, we might as well inquire about the reputation and reputation of manufacturers in the surrounding or industry.
The tips for choosing warning tape are explained above. If you have any questions about this, please come to our website Pay attention to consultation!

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