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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-09-21 0
燃气标记桩从名字上就能看出来指的是应用在燃气上的标记桩 ,主要的使用单位是各大燃气公司、燃气施工单位 ,详细的使用所在是燃气管道燃气管线上方。下面来讲讲燃气标记桩的优势与形状。
It can be seen from the name that the gas marker pile refers to the marker pile applied to the gas. The main users are the major gas companies and gas construction units. The specific place of use is above the gas pipeline and gas pipeline. Now let's talk about the advantages and shapes of gas marker posts.
1.比重轻、抗侵蚀、耐老化、密封性能好 ,雅观 ,具有全天候防护功效 ,能够知足室外工程项目中种种卑劣情形和场合的需要.
1. Light specific gravity, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, good sealing performance, safe and beautiful, all-weather protection function, and can meet the needs of various harsh environments and places in outdoor engineering projects
2.具备优异的绝缘质料 ,高性能的绝缘电阻避免泄电 ,在高频下能坚持优异的介电性能,不反射,不阻断微波的撒播,不生锈恒久使用.
2. It has excellent insulating materials, high performance insulation resistance to prevent electric leakage, and can maintain good dielectric performance at high frequencies, without reflection, blocking the transmission of microwave, and rust. It is safe for long-term use
3.有优异的耐侵蚀性能,可以对抗水 ,汽油 ,酒精 ,电解盐 ,醋酸 ,盐酸 ,钠钾化合物 ,尿 ,沥青 ,适合种种酸碱土壤,防雨产品自己具有优异的抗老化性能,
3. It has good corrosion resistance, can resist water, gasoline, alcohol, electrolytic salt, acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium and potassium compounds, urine and asphalt, and is suitable for various acid-base soils. The rain proof product itself has good anti-aging performance,
4.抗攻击力强 ,撞击稳固形,有很高的拉伸强度 ,弯曲强度和攻击韧性 ,,完全可以知足户外使用。
4. It has strong impact resistance, no deformation due to impact, high tensile strength, bending strength and impact toughness, and can completely meet the outdoor use safety.
5.质量轻 ,适于搬运 ,装置简朴防偷窃 ,该质料无接纳价值 ,自然防盗.可以有用地下主要设施被挖断的问题,具有重大的社会效益和经济效益.
5. It is light in weight, suitable for handling, and simple in installation to prevent theft. The material has no recycling value and is naturally anti-theft. It can effectively solve the problem of important underground facilities being cut off, and has significant social and economic benefits
6.完全切合要求的质料 ,知足未来生长需要。在桩体外貌印有显着夜光效果的警示标识;补足了水泥标记桩的缺乏!
6. Environmental protection materials that fully meet the national requirements to meet the needs of future development. Safety warning signs with obvious luminous effect shall be printed on the pile surface; Make up for the shortage of cement marker piles!
7.玻璃钢标记桩桩体外貌使用特制特种油漆具备性能特点:附着力好;光泽高;饱满度好;硬度高; ,能为复合质料玻璃钢标记桩外貌提供恒久的掩护作用!
7. Special paint is used on the surface of FRP marker pile, which has performance characteristics: good adhesion; High gloss; Good fullness; High hardness; Environmental protection, can provide long-term protection for the surface of composite FRP marker posts!
方形:80*80*高、100*100*高、120*120*高、140*140*高、150*150*高等 ,燃气标记桩绝大部分都是方形的。
Square: 80 * 80 * high, 100 * 100 * high, 120 * 120 * high, 140 * 140 * high, 150 * 150 * high. Most gas marker piles are square.
三角形:100*100*100*高、120*120*100*高、150*150*150*高、180*180*180*高等 ,也有部分使用三角形燃气标记桩。
Triangle: 100 * 100 * 100 * high, 120 * 120 * 100 * high, 150 * 150 * 150 * high, 180 * 180 * high, and some use triangular gas marker posts.
别的一样平常公司在铺设燃气管道的时间先会在燃气管道上方铺设一层可追踪的燃气管道警示带 ,然后有的加一层盖板在举行填埋 ,填埋后为了能对燃气管道从地面举行区分出来 ,在燃气管道上方会埋设燃气标记桩。您有什么需求就来我们网站咨询相识吧!
In addition, when laying the gas pipeline, the company will first lay a layer of traceable gas pipeline warning tape above the gas pipeline, and then some will add a layer of cover plate for landfilling. After landfilling, in order to distinguish the gas pipeline from the ground, gas marker piles will be buried above the gas pipeline. Come to our website if you have any needs Ask and understand!

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