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Warning piles, also known as marking piles and warning piles, are commonly used for route indication signs of electric power, communication, gas, tap water and railway buried pipelines. It is a new type of product used for outdoor, green belt, Bush, pipeline path indication on both sides of pipe jacking, and plays a warning role. Next, let's talk about the function and printing content of cable warning posts.
Function of cable warning pile
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1. After installation, it can prompt and warn others.
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2. If the underground pipeline is damaged, the patrol inspection and repair personnel can quickly find the location of the underground pipeline according to the pipeline content and pile number on the pile. And take timely measures to win maintenance opportunities.
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3. Its installation can also facilitate the regular inspection work of the employees of the underground pipeline management company.
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4. If there is a construction team in the high-pressure pipeline area, the construction party can avoid the buried pipeline after seeing it. In order to avoid pipeline damage and maintain the safety of gas supply or power supply, if the construction party knows that there are underground pipelines that are still damaged, it needs to bear legal responsibility.
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5. The name and telephone number of the management company are usually marked on the pile body. If citizens find that the underground pipeline is damaged. You can call the management company in time to avoid dangerous accidents.
Printed content of cable warning post
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There are many contents on the pile, which can be roughly divided into internal information and external information. External information is the fundamental purpose of product installation. Therefore, it must include the type of pipeline, the name of the unit, warnings and contact numbers for reporting.
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Indicate the name and contact number of the unit to which the pipeline belongs, so that other construction teams can contact the company in the construction process or in case of accidents (such as damage to buried pipelines), and the public can timely notify the pipeline owner.
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The warning words can include "no excavation with cable duct" to warn others. Internal information includes warning posts, name of pipeline area, enterprise logo, etc. these contents are for the convenience of the company's employees' future patrol work. The company can master them by itself without strict requirements.
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The printing process of cable warning Posts generally includes screen printing, UV printing, laser engraving and mechanical engraving, which are generally selected according to different needs. The laser and mechanical engraving fonts are more three-dimensional, UV printing is more flexible, and the fonts are bright. At the same time, some non fixed versions such as gradients and numbers can be printed using UV. Screen printing is a very traditional way of printing, generally printing a relatively simple layout.
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The function and printing content of cable warning posts are explained here. You can use them for reference. Of course, you should also consider some matters when purchasing to avoid losses caused by purchasing warning posts with poor quality. For more information, please come to our website Pay attention to understand!

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